Age & Risk: If you are 60 or older, and you have a compromised immune system or any respiratory concerns, please prayerfully consider staying at home at this time (TV, Internet and radio options are available including our parish mass on the website). You are dispensed from physically attending Mass through the end of July.
DO NOTCongregate. Enter church, enjoy and be thankful to be here to celebrate Mass, and quietly depart. Hand sanitizer should be available at designated church entrances.
Face mask: Remember, safety is key. You are highly encouraged to bring and wear a face mask while in church. Wearing a mask provides a barrier that can help minimize the transmission of infectious droplets from person to person.
Social distancing: a minimum of 6 feet between people not living in the same household must be followed.
Order of Worship: you will find in the pew an
Order of today’s Worship along with your church bulletin. These are “YOURS” to keep. At the conclusion of mass, take both with you as you leave church.
Offertory gifts: There will be no presentation of Gifts
No offertory collection: Rather, there will be an offering basket. As you enter or exit church, you may drop your offering in the basket.
No touching during the Mass: there will be no handshake of peace, hugs, or hand holding during the Our Father. Rather a simple gesture of a gentile bow towards another congregate will suffice.
Communion will be distributed At the Conclusion of Mass: You will receive communion ONLY in your HAND, not on your tongue.
This is for everyone’s safety! Father Payne must avoid contact with any saliva contaminating his fingers. Please understand, he must be protected too. Once you have received the Eucharist, please promptly exit the church and do not stop to converse with other parishioners. Communion will not be distributed by the Cup.